Выпуск 41
- Gorelov M. Games with unreliable information transfer
We consider formalization of semantics of information, which players transfer while making their decisions, and suggest a rather general approach to modeling of conflict situations, where transfer of unreliable information is possible.
- Zhilyakova L. The study of euler resource networks
We study properties of homogeneous, symmetric and quasi-symmetric resource networks, which are combined into one class called the Euler networks. For the case of small resource volumes we find an analytical expression for the sole limit state. For the case of large resource amounts we prove that the limit state is determined by the initial one, and provide corresponding formulae. For the class of initial states, which preserve network operation rules, we calculate the limit vector, while for the other initial states we suggest a recursive algorithm to reduce them to the former class.
- Ngoc Nguyen B., Tuzovsky A. Information retrieval model based on semantic metadata
Typically, existing ontology-based approaches to semantic search use semantic similarity between ontology concepts and individuals as basic building blocks. We propose a semantic similarity scheme for triples and for sets of triples. Based on the proposed concept of semantic similarity, a theoretical model of semantic search was proposed. The model uses presentation of documents and queries in the form of triple sets.
- Novoseltseva M. Use of proper c-fractions for analysis of multi-frequency signals with hidden periodicities
We suggest a new method to reveal hidden signal periodicities. The method is based on application of proper C-fractions and a modified algorithm of V. Viskovatov. It requires a discrete sequence of measurements, equally distributed in time, and no a-priori information about the signal.
- Valov S. Stabilization of 2d based iterative learning control system over network with random communication delays and packet dropouts
A two-dimensional discrete-time iterative learning control system where a sensor and a controller exchange information over network communication channel, is considered. The problem of system stabilization along the trial is being solved in the presence of possible time-varying delays and packet dropouts. A control law is designed for both system state and output vector. Time-varying delays and packet dropouts are modeled as independent Markovian chains. The resulting closed-loop system is transformed into a 2D discrete-time Roesser model with Markovian jumps characterization. Then, sufficient conditions for system stabilization of single-packet transmission are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the results.
- Zelenkov Y. On measurement of efficiency of business processes and their supporting information systems
Information systems implementation efficiency measurement method is proposed. It is based on entropy of characteristic parameter of business process which is supported by system. Equations are introduced, which help to estimate the rate of processes with predefined output. Example is given of the proposed method application to information system effect estimation and finding the direction of business processes improvement.
- A. Trahtengerts E. Network-centric methods of computer-aided counteraction of disasters and risks
We discuss network-centric methods of computer-aidedmanagement of both counteraction and relief of consequences planning for future disasters and risks.
- Gurman V., Trushkova E., Rasina I., Usenko O. Hierarchical model of heterogenuius system and its applications
The concept of a two-level model of heterogeneous discrete control system and associated optimal control algorithms are considered. It is proposed its application to modifying the existing programs trough creating an upper discrete level, providing the required operation and current setting. This is demonstrated by the example of modeling of innovations in the regional socioecological-economic model that require variation of originally constant parameters of the model.
- Lempert A., Kazakov A., Bukharov D. Mathematical model and program system for solving a problem of logistic objects placement
We consider a placement problem for logistic objects with logistic zones segmentation in the continuous setting (when an object can be placed at any point in a considered area). We reduce this framework to a calculus of variations problem and suggest an algorithm of solution based on the optical-geometrical approach. Then we use this algorithm to solve the problems of municipal infrastructure optimization.
- Romanenko V. Optimizing parameters of transfer air transportation system taking into account fuzzy and stochastic uncertainties
The fuzzy sets theory and probability theory are combined to solve a joint optimization problem of an aircrafts’ timetable and a ground handling schedule for a hub-and-spokes system under uncertainty. A model example is considered.
- Natalya Valentinovna Y., Vadim Alekseyevich K. Mathematical model to predict higher school accreditation rates
We suggest a method for efficient monitoring of educational process quality in a higher education institution. The method is based on the model of system dynamics by J. Forrester and em-ploys normalized metrics of higher education institution accreditation.
- Mosin S. Approach to test method selection for mixed-signal integrated circuits based on cost model
The model has been proposed of test cost estimation for mixed-signal integrated circuits (IC) taking into account features of integrated technology used and of fab production line. The approach of test technique selection to minimize test cost is suggested for mixed-signal IC. Decision rules are defined for both on-chip and off-chip test selection, which can be developed on the base of the proposed model already at early stages of IC design. Experimental results have been shown.
- Bazenkov N., Gubanov D. Information systems for social networks analysis: a survey
We survey contemporary information systems for social network analysis and give classifications of users and typical tasks. We describe systems, which are used by ordinary people, business and government structures, security services and scientific organizations. Most considered systems are used for monitoring and analysis of social networks and implement no forecast or control methods. In the end of the article we make a short review of applied researches of social networks.
- Karavay M., Podlazov V. Topological reserve of supercomputer interconnect
We consider simple capabilities of interconnect characteristics improvement of Gemini (CRAY) and Blue Waters (IBM) su-percomputers owing to utilization of direct channels system area networks.