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Выпуск 22

  • MULTICRITERION DECISION-MAKING BASED ON EVALUATION FUNCTION AS POLYNOM OF THE THIRD ORDER Stanislav Vassilyev, Institute of Control Sciences of RAS, Moscow, Doctor of Science, academician (snv@ipu.ru). Vladimir Baturin, Institute of systems dynamic and control theory SB RAS, Moscow, Doctor of Science, professor (rozen@icc.ru). Tuyana Bayanova, Regional economic efforts department of Buryat science center, Ulan-Ude (bayanova5@rambler.ru). Abstract: The article contains some results of research in the field of multicriterion decision-making. Evaluation function for ranging alternatives as polynom of the third order is represented. As an example the task of getting ratings of teachers to decision-making on stimulation of their work is considered.

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